[Fun Upbeat Music]
It’s always a tricky one, because you don’t want to stop someone from speaking.
Because it feels pretty horrible as well, especially if they’re talking about something heavy.
But, I do try to just- I’ll use their name; so I’ll be like “Cal, that’s a really good point that you just made there”
and then I’ll move on to somebody else.
Cal:That is so good.
The little tip that I want to add to that – is reminding them…
“oh, because we’ve got 60 minutes and we’ve got six people on the call
and we want everyone to have a good time; enough time to talk.
So it’s sort of giving them like a time limit and a reminder of how many people are in the call.
And to thank them as well, be like “Thanks for that Cal…
that was really great. Thank you for sharing that
(cheekily) and then move on to someone else.
Cal:[singing] Ba da ba, ba da ba, ‘shut up’!
[Cal and Leasha laughing]
[Fun Upbeat Music]