This study aims to explore different personal and stroke-related factors and their
relationships with benefit finding (aka. finding a silver lining), as well as the
relationship between benefit finding and quality of life.
Your contribution may lead to the development of interventions or services that might
better support younger stroke survivors’ needs.
If you agree to participate you will complete online surveys about yourself (e.g., age
and sex); the impact of stroke; your personality; sources of social support; coping
strategy; benefit finding; and, quality of life. The surveys should take approximately
20 – 30 minutes to complete.
After completing the online surveys, you will be invited to participate in a 45 – 60
minutes interview over Zoom/Skype, or by telephone. If you are interested, please leave your email, name and telephone number at the end of the surveys and the
investigator will contact you.
To participate in this study, you need to be 18 – 65 years of age; had at least one
stroke at least 6 months ago; can understand and respond to written and/or verbal English; and, can complete online surveys in English.
This link will take you to the online surveys: bit.ly/benefit-finding
If you know of any other people like yourself who you think might be interested in supporting or potentially participating in the study, please share this post with them.
The Austin Health Human Ethics Review Committee has approved this research
study [HREC/91145/Austin-2022].
If you have any questions or require further information please contact Jaso Yeung via email lokhimy@student.unimelb.edu.au