Is it a Sign or Simply A Coincidence?
Have you ever noticed any signs or serendipitous moments that have left you completely bamboozled or simply wandering?
Have you ever noticed any signs or serendipitous moments that have left you completely bamboozled or simply wandering?
What Does ‘Legally Blonde’, ‘Milk’, ‘Waiting For Guffman’, and ‘Shawshank Redemption’ have in common? and what does that say about Caleb?
We’ve all been told to do “everything in moderation” – but sometimes we take it one step further by doing something a few ‘feel-good’ times before suddenly it becomes a hard-wired habit that feels impossible to break!
“Burning out” is a reality we all have to manage when we’re giving someone support
Here we have Mark! The creator of Determined Show (a show dedicated to helping other survivors become more comfortable with themselves and see that they’re not alone)
What do you worry about missing out on?
Let’s talk about your PERSPECTIVE!
Giving good support can be really FU*&!%# tough!!! So we’re building a library of ideas to help support each other
Your recovery is an ongoing journey that forever evolves and changes. Find out what will help you succeed.
Have you ever had an “accident”, a “slip-up”, or an “unintended reveal” where the only thing to do is laugh?